Wednesday 11 April 2018

Hey there Bloggers!

I just finished my Learning Journal and now I am gonna share it 

with all you people checking out my blog!

Hi bloggers!

This is my free writing with my two mates Mariah & Lujain. I hope you enjoy it! We worked

really hard on the animations. I hope to do more. Me and my friends are still working on a few.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Common Wealth Games

Hello there fellow readers!

In this blog post I am showing you my work of the Common Wealth Games!

The first one is a poster about the Common Wealth Games, I put in the team that plays at the stadium and also the Mascot! Borobi.

The second one is about the games in the Common Wealth Games.

The third one is about the Medals, like what did they use to create it and the creator of the medals.


Hey Bloggers!

I just found my Intro for 2018! So my teacher told us to post our intro so I started searching for it and now I've found it. And here it is

Wednesday 4 April 2018

VJ Simile/Metaphor Poem

Hi guys!

So me and my class got some questions from our teacher and we had to answer them. I found it really fun. Our teacher also showed us the class Poem I think its amazing. Anyways no more talking... here is  my slide of my Poem.